vjkverse's carrd

vjkverse's carrd

Anna • AU writer • she/her • 18

SFW Works
[Upto 10,000 words]
3000 words - $7
(Every additional 1k words - $2)
•Prices for long fics with over 10k words can be discussed through dmsNSFW Works
(Not up for commission as of now)
•If the word limit exceeds the decided length, the commissioner would not be charged for it•Some fics would only be available to be commissioned as chaptered aus (over 10k words)•Commissioning details will only be discussed through twitter dms

Rules for CommisioningWill not write
•Cheating between main pairings
•Any controversial subject I don't have enough knowledge upon
•Prompts adapted from movies or other books
•Plots extensively revolving around religious themes
Commisioning Process
•Once the commissioner contacts me, we can discuss if you have a plot of their own for the prompt. If you do, share it in detail with me. If not, I'll share my plot in detail with you
•Discussion over the pairing, dynamics, character history and the type of ending you want for them including other minor details . Sideships too (if you prefer any)•The storyflow, plot points and everything else will then be discussed in detail or if you want to give me the freedom to surprise you with the whole au, it's all up to you.